I have made it my business to go around the internet, searching far and wide for such clothing. I'm not going to lie to you; this was not 100 percent selfless. Regardless of any ulterior motives I may have had, here is a comprehensive selection of only the finest dinosaur-related gear (again, handy list format! I swear I will knock it off with the lists after this one):
1) I want this so badly, I can't even describe it.
Sometimes I think about how amazing it would be to wear that all around, and if someone was like, cool dino-hoodie, I would be like,
you have no idea and then cross my arms. I expect a lot of minds would explode for the sheer coolness of that.
This is from the website Mouthman Ap
This is from the website Mouthman Ap
parel. They have a lot of hoodies like this (minus the dinosaur) and seem awesome.
2) This is entitled, on the website, "T-Rex's Busy Day". I have (almost) no further comment.
2) This is entitled, on the website, "T-Rex's Busy Day". I have (almost) no further comment.
This goes back to my obsession with Dinosaur Comics, by Ryan North. I love pretty much everything in the comic store, and have bought most of the t-shirts for friends in acts of selflessness that I totally did not regret (except sometimes when I really wanted the t-shirt) (mostly I was just excited when said friends wore them). I think the theme of this entry is that I am inherently selfish, but that's the human condition or something, so I figure it's okay.
This is one of my favorite shirts. It has T-rex flying through the air by clinging to a bunch of balloons. That is three delightful things in one (flight, balloons, and T-Rex) and so there's not really a way to dislike it.
This is one of my favorite shirts. It has T-rex flying through the air by clinging to a bunch of balloons. That is three delightful things in one (flight, balloons, and T-Rex) and so there's not really a way to dislike it.
I recommend going through the entire store, it has tons of amazing products that will definitely make people impressed with your personal taste and style. http://www.topatoco.com/merchant.mvc?Screen=PROD&Store_Code=TO&Product_Code=QW-BUSYDAY&Category_Code=QW
And whatever, so maybe I had a couple of comments.
3) This is from Sunday Morning Breakfast Cartoons. It features a heroic dinosaur, a microcosm of heroic dinosaurs everywhere.
I think part of our (read: my) obsession with dinosaurs comes from their mysterious history; we don't know exactly how they went extinct, we make guesses about their total outward appearance, and how they all related to one another. Imagining them as heroes, sacrificing themselves to save the earth, is both hilarious and something a part of me would like to believe is totally real. Like Hogwarts and UFOs. (Note: Earlier today from my dorm a bunch of us saw a mysterious flashing green light in the sky for about 10 seconds. Was it A) Someone performing Avada Kedavra, B) Weird Wiring, or C) A UFO? Those are the only options, I'm pretty sure.)
I think part of our (read: my) obsession with dinosaurs comes from their mysterious history; we don't know exactly how they went extinct, we make guesses about their total outward appearance, and how they all related to one another. Imagining them as heroes, sacrificing themselves to save the earth, is both hilarious and something a part of me would like to believe is totally real. Like Hogwarts and UFOs. (Note: Earlier today from my dorm a bunch of us saw a mysterious flashing green light in the sky for about 10 seconds. Was it A) Someone performing Avada Kedavra, B) Weird Wiring, or C) A UFO? Those are the only options, I'm pretty sure.)
4) I think thing #4 will be another anonymous dinosaur related quote, like last time.
Quoth a friend: "The first time I got high, me and my friend watched "The Land Before Time". It was amazing."
Hope this helps those of you with fashion indecision, looking to dress just a little bit cooler!