Wednesday, April 21, 2010

This Post is Heavily Researched

Hello Dear Readers!

I apologize for not updating in a while, but exciting things have happened in this dino-verse.

I went to a dinosaur exhibit and Philly, and now present my extensive findings to you, exclusively.


Ballers in Dinosaur History!

So these are some folks who researched dinosaurs like a boss.

1) Dr. John Ostrom

In 1969, Ostrom, your new hero, discovered the Deinonyclus. Now, while this may sound like your run of the mill totally awesome discovery of an extinct species that once roamed the earth but now exists only in imprints of its former self, it is in reality so much more.

The build of the Deinonyclus meant indicated that the animal was built for speed and was warm-blooded. Up until this discovery, everybody thought that dinosaurs moved slowly and didn't really get up to much.

Realize what this means.

Without this discovery, dinosaurs would be the lamest things ever. A bunch of giant reptiles moving around slowly whilst eating leaves? BORING.

Dinosaurs running around and chasing other dinosaurs? AWESOME.

This knowledge is the basis behind everything terrifying we know about dinosaurs: that they can chase us, open doors at some very specific times, and generally rule the prehistoric earth.

2) Edward Drinker Cope

My notes on Sir Drinker Cope say "He discovered lots of dinosaurs." Thanks, past me. I don't really feel like looking further into this, since I think my notes say it all. Anybody that discovers lots of dinosaurs is okay by me!

Also, his middle name is drinker. I know I'm repeating myself, but what a boss.


Fascinating Paleontological Questions Posed by The Exhibit:

"Do you think an Ultrasaurus could play catch? How about T-rex?"

So, I want to say no, but I what if T-rexs are secretly awesome at catch? Like what their arms lack in size they make for in strength with throws?

Sadly, I guess we'll never know now.

Next Post: Fan submissions! AKA things about dinosaurs my friends have posted on my facebook wall.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

"Wait, Does Lisa Really Like Dinosaurs or Something?"

This post exists to prove that I can walk the walk, since by now I have talked quite a bit of talk. Here I present to you visual proof that I own quite a bit of dinosaur merchandise.


So this is pretty much my prized posession. I believe that when I'm old and succesful, and my old and succesful friends come over to tour my house or something (this is a thing that happens, I think) I will show them my nice vases, paintings, and my giant stuffed T-Rex. I can guess which one they will be most enchanted by! Unless I have some baller T-rex themed vases, which may well happen.

Here is T-Rex worshipping at the altar of Lady Gaga:

(Side note: This Lady Gaga collage was made for me by my best friend organ, whose birthday is today, HAPPY BIRTHDAY MORGAN)

(Correction: Her name is Morgan, not organ. A commonly made mistake.)

Next up! My dinosaur water bottle! The packaging said this was for, I believe, ages 3 to 8 or so. I reject this way of thinking, since who had an actual water bottle in pre through elementary school? Also, the package and placement of the water bottle in the store indicated that this was meant for boys, since the pink flowery one was for girls, but again, this blog is college Students who love dinosaurs, not college Dudes/bros who love dinosaurs.

(Side note #2: This is useless if you actually need water for athletic activity, the age labeling is maybe kind of accurate? Bring it to all of your athletic events anyway and keep refilling it a million and one times. People will compliment you since it has dinosaurs on it. I know this from hard life experience)

Finally! At Ultimate Frisbee tournaments, often teams will sell their team discs. Occasionally those discs are awesome. This was one such time:

The Disc says "Ruckus" because that's their team's name (University of Vermont), but it also says Ruckus because that is what dinosaurs cause.

And more finally than the last time I said finally, I am going to the Academy of Natural Sciences next weekend for my fan culture final project, expect a post on my extensive findings.